Monday, November 23, 2009

Muskrat, muskrat, candlelight....

Wildcat Creek in northern Indiana

We were paddling the Wildcat about six or so weeks ago. T isn't a photographer, but he has very strong wildlife-spotting skills, which, along with his fire-starting talents, make him a very good outdoor partner for me indeed. He had this water-dwelling gentleman spotted while I was still staring blankly into the trees thinking about dinner that night. Other than swimming in circles around his nest, he didn't seem terribly concerned about our presence. T paddled the canoe around for several minutes to give me the best possible angle to get his portrait, and I fired off fifty or sixty frames.


  1. Jen, are you joking... or are serious? To me this looks rather an other than a muskrat!:)
    I have seen muskrats here in Belgium and they appeared very different than what you show us here.

  2. Oei, oei, mistake. How stupid of me!
    Of course: OTTER!:)
